


以下指导方针的目的是陈述根据HR 2223第107节规定的教育合理使用的最低标准. The parties agree that the conditions determining the extent of permissible copying for educational purposes may change in the future; that certain types of copying permitted under these guidelines may not be permissible in the future; and conversely that in the future other types of copying not permitted under these guidelines may be permissible under revised guidelines.

Moreover, 以下指导方针的声明并非旨在限制根据司法裁决的合理使用标准所允许的复制类型,这些标准载于《国外博彩app》第107条. 在某些情况下,在合理使用的标准下,可能允许不符合以下指导方针的复制.”


Adapted for Seattle University from the U.S. 版权署:资料通告及简报:第21号通告:教育工作者及图书馆员复制受版权保护作品(第21号通告).

Single Copying For Classroom Use


  • A chapter from a book
  • An article from a periodical or newspaper
  • 短篇小说,短文或短诗,不论是否出自集体作品
  • 图表:书、期刊或报纸上的图表、图表、图解、图画、漫画或图片

Multiple Copies For Classroom Use


  • 这种复制符合简洁性和自发性的测试,并且
  • the copying meets the cumulative effect test, and
  • each copy includes a notice of copyright


  1. Poetry — a complete poem if less than 250 words and if printed on not more than two pages; or an excerpt of not more than 250 words from a longer poem.
  2. Prose — either a complete article, story, or essay of less than 2,500 words, or an excerpt from any prose work of not more than 1,000 words or 10% of the work, whichever is less, but in any event a minimum of 500 words. In both cases, 数字限制可以扩展到完成一首诗的未完成的一行或一段未完成的散文.
  3. Illustration -每本书或每期期刊都要有一张图表、图表、图解、素描、漫画或图片.
  4. “Special works” — Certain works in poetry, prose, 或者在“诗意散文”中(通常将语言与插图结合起来,有时是针对儿童的,有时是针对更普通的读者的),达不到2,500 words in their entirety. Guidelines 1. and 2. 上述内容不适用于这些“特殊作品”,不能完整复制. 摘录不超过专著已发表页数的两页,所含文字不超过正文字数的10%,可以转载.


  1. The copying is at the instance and inspiration of the individual professor; and
  2. 使用作品的灵感和决定以及使用作品以获得最大教学效果的时刻是如此接近,以至于期望及时回复请求许可是不合理的.

Cumulative Effect

  1. 这些材料的副本只适用于该学院的一门课程, school, or program initiating the request for copies.
  2. During one class term, 抄袭的材料总和不超过一首短诗, article, story, or essay, or two excerpts from the same author, 同一集体作品或期刊卷不得超过三篇.
  3. For any single course during one academic term, 这种多重复制不能超过9个实例. (注:散文和插图的篇幅限制不适用于时事期刊和报纸以及其他期刊的时事版块.)

General Prohibitions under the Classroom Guidelines


  1. You cannot use copying to create, or to replace or substitute for, anthologies, compilations, or collective works. 即使你积累了你的副本并在上课期间间隔使用它们,也可能会发生替换或替代.
  2. 在学习或教学过程中,你不能复制作品的所有部分. 这一类包括练习册、练习题、标准化考试和考试小册子以及答题纸.
  3. 复制不能(i)代替购买书籍, publisher's reprints, or periodicals; (ii) be directed by higher authority; or (iii) be repeated for the same item by the same professor from term to term.
  4. 如果你自己复印并提供给学生(而不是让复印部门复印), 你不能向学生收取超过复印实际费用的费用.